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More bylaw changes for habitat and pollinators


We love to get messages like this one from Kyla in Thunder Bay!

I just wanted to send a huge thank you and express my deep gratitude for all that your group has done to help raise awareness about supporting urban pollinators with native plants.

Watching a Blooming Boulevards webinar prompted me to ask for bylaw changes in Thunder Bay to support naturalization on private property and allow boulevard gardening.
Our new naturalization bylaw was passed into effect in September 2022, and there is now a city working group exploring the boulevard bylaw for the spring.
The ripple effects of your project are felt all the way up here in Northern Ontario! I am so grateful.

You can read more about the bylaw and Kyla's advocacy here:

It's amazing to see so many people engaged and excited about habitat gardening and getting whole communities involved!


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